Talk: Being a Parent of an Autistic Child during the Covid-19 Pandemic with Rotary Club Johannesburg North Central on 19 August 2020

We have a speaker evening with Rotary Club Johannesburg North Central on 19 August at 6:15pm. RSVP:
Topic: Being a Parent of an Autistic Child during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ilse Kilian-Ross

Ilse Kilian-Ross is the owner of Amazing K, a registered ECD and Partial Care Facility in Johannesburg. Amazing K is a private adhd school, autism school and therapy centre for children from age 2 - 6 years where learners receive the best of both the schooling and therapy world. The autism school offers Individualized Education Programs, Speech- and Augmentive Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy as well as a full and adapted Academic Curriculum.