Living Enhancement Therapy
This daily therapy approach focuses on developing a child’s essential self-help skills such as:
- Developing skills necessary for independent living – each age group focuses on different living enhancement skills
- Improved self-care skills help children with autism develop self-care skills such as dressing, grooming and personal hygiene.
- Enhanced mealtime independence help improve eating skills including the use of utensil, self-feeding skills and expanding food preference
- Our daily enhancement therapy together with our activity bases sensory integration session helps our students develop greater tolerance and adaptability to sensory stimuli.
- Visual PECS, Schedules and Social Stories are also included in living enhancement therapy and helps the autistic child tell time. It helps them understand where they are in their day, it helps with planning and is extremely important when teaching skills such as “stranger-danger”, “body-awareness” and “emergency protocols”.
- Developing skills relating to turn-taking, problem solving, transitioning and sharing.
Depending on the child’s age living enhancement therapy is also used to teach money related independence or financial literacy, personal organization and “chores”.