19 Nov Why is it important for a parent to know whether their child is school ready?
The parental role in school readiness intervention is not always fully understood. Most parents don’t understand what “school readiness” means. For some reason many believe that age equals school readiness. This is however sadly not the case.
So why is it important for a parent to know whether their child is school ready? Or should I rather ask: “why is it important for a parent to understand Education in South Africa and the CAPS curriculum”
It is important because school readiness intervention has both home and pre-school learning components.
Preschool learning components would include aspects such as:
- early literacy or language,
- early mathematical skill,
- playground engagement & social communication,
- emotional regulation or self-regulatory skills,
- pre-academic skills
Whilst home learning components would include aspects such as:
- good general health and wellness,
- toileting routines and general grooming life skills,
- dressing skills,
- sleep pattern regulation,
- home chore participation,
- social gatherings with friends and family etiquette during outings.
All the above components form part of a child’s school readiness. A lack of early preparation for school leads to an academic achievement gap that widens over time. This in return will put your child at risk for school failure or rather failure to progress academically.